WEM: Wine Environment Manager

wem ge-wine

The wem ge-wine command will download and install GE Wine releases:

$ wem ge-wine GE-Proton7-35

To see available versions:

$ wem list --ge-wine

To see installed versions:

$ wem list --ge-wine --installed

To use an installed GE Wine version, run wem list --ge-wine --installed to see the path to your installed versions, then set your WineExe to the desired path.

$ wem cfg tes3 --wine-exe $HOME/.local/share/wem/ge-wine/lutris-GE-Proton7-35-x86_64/bin/wine --no-render --save
$ wem run tes3 --wine-exe $HOME/.local/share/wem/ge-wine/lutris-GE-Proton7-35-x86_64/bin/wine

Fish completion can be used to autocomplete any installed GE Wine versions, but completion files need to be regenerated after installing your first GE Wine.

NOTE: Listing uses the Github API, which is ratelimited at 60 requests per hour. When this is exceeded, WEM won't be able to validate versions.